DJane Elli Ray

Djane Elli Ray

Professional DJ from Ukraine, Kharkov
KBPS (Killerbeez productions) artist
Have more than 7 years djing experience

Start DJ career in 2013

2013 - «Ice Club» night club resident (Italy, Europe)

2014 - «Muse» night club resident (Chanzhi, China)
Party tour with «Candy Groove» (China)

2015 - «88» night club resident (Guanzhou, China)
Party tour with «London Bass Project» (China)

2016 - «True Color» night club resident (Guyang, China)

In may of 2016 signed a contract with a large Asia
event company and start DJ tour as a headliner
at many major music events and as a special guest
in a multiple night clubs all over the Asia.

2017 - «Muse» night club resident (Guyang, China)

2019 - «Paprika» night club resident (Kharkov, Ukraine)

Music styles:

Party music:

- Big room
- Future House
- Bass House

Residence music:

- House
- Deep House
- Tech House
- Commercial House


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